Centers, Editions, Institutes
The American Institute for Philosophical and Cultural Thought fosters the study of philosophical and cultural thought in America by collecting and archiving literary and educational resources, providing access to those resources to scholarly researchers, and disseminating education about American philosophical and cultural thought.
In the course of collecting and editing Dewey’s works, the Center amassed a wealth of source materials for the study of America’s quintessential philosopher-educator, John Dewey. By virtue of its publications and research, the Center has become the international focal point for research on Dewey’s life and work.
Established in 1975–76, the Project’s long-term aim is to produce a 30-volume print edition of Peirce’s writings as well as an electronic edition embedded within a collaborative research platform. Writings of Charles S. Peirce is a selective but comprehensive chronological and critical edition designed to document the development of Peirce’s thought in every area and promote the critical study of his intellectual growth and interdisciplinary reach.
The Helsinki Peirce Research Centre is the home of Peirce studies at the University of Helsinki. Current activities include several research projects, and the guest lectures and seminars of the Helsinki Metaphysical Club. Members of the Centre also maintain the Commens Peirce portal and dictionary.
The Institute for American Religious and Philosophical Thought (IARPT) is a community of productive scholars with diverse theological and philosophical perspectives. The Institute contributes to the academic study of religion and philosophy through interpretive, critical, and constructive reflections whose principal focus is on distinctively American religious and philosophical thought
The Institute for American Thought is a unique research facility bringing to IUPUI and to Central Indiana an internationally acclaimed concentration of resources and scholarship that focuses on fundamental strongholds of American thought and culture.
The INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES IN PRAGMATICISM is the first and oldest organized center for research on the life and works of CHARLES SANDERS PEIRCE (1839-1914), the American Physicist, Mathematician, Logician, and Engineer, one of the greatest interdisciplinary scientists in history. Founded during the 1971-72 academic year at TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY in Lubbock, Texas by Charles S. Hardwick and Kenneth L. Ketner, our mission is to facilitate study of the life and works of Peirce and his continuing influence within interdisciplinary science.
The Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University came into being in October 2003, on the three-hundredth anniversary of Jonathan Edwards’ birth. The JEC grew naturally out of the offices of the Works of Jonathan Edwards, the contemporary critical print edition of selections from the Edwards papers. The JEC is directed by Professor Harry Stout, and is housed at the Yale Divinity School in New Haven, CT.
This is the first research center in Italy dedicated to Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), the thinker, philosopher and scientist American. The purpose of the CSP is to promote the knowledge and study of Peirce in Italy and work to encourage contacts between the Italian and foreign researchers on Peirce.
The CSJR is the first Italian research center dedicated to the study of the works of American philosopher Josiah Royce (1855-1916). It was founded in March 2013 and it is the brainchild of Carlo Cantaluppi. The CSJR also collaborates with the Peirce Studies Center (CSP).
The Southern California Pragmatist Forum welcomes and connects scholars interested in philosophical pragmatism broadly construed. We welcome all scholars (not just historians of philosophy) from all disciplines influenced by or engaged with pragmatist ideas, such as its conceptions of belief, truth, reality, meaning, method, experience, inquiry, science, and more.
Journals and other Publications
Civil American is a place for scholars in philosophy or other fields, students, and SOPHIA members to submit short essays, between 700 and 3,000 words (shorter and longer pieces will be considered), on topics of importance for living and policy-making, as individuals and communities.
Contemporary Pragmatism (COPR) is an interdisciplinary, international journal for discussions of applying pragmatism, broadly understood, to today’s issues. Contemporary Pragmatism will consider articles about pragmatism written from the standpoint of any tradition and perspective.
Dewey Studies is an online, open-access journal of the John Dewey Society dedicated to furthering understanding of John Dewey’s philosophical work and enlivening his unique mode of engagement with the vital philosophical questions of our time.
European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy-EJPAP publishes articles which explore the American tradition in philosophy, with a special focus on pragmatism and on the relationships of pragmatism to the social sciences. EJPAP promotes exploration of interdisciplinary issues and approaches and favors the mutual dialogue among different traditions in philosophy and in the social sciences.
The Journal of Speculative Philosophy publishes systematic and interpretive essays about basic philosophical questions. Scholars examine the constructive interaction between Continental and American philosophy, as well as novel developments in the ideas and theories of past philosophers that have relevance for contemporary thinkers. The journal also features discussions of art, religion, and literature that are not strictly or narrowly philosophical.
The Personalist Forum seeks to provide a forum for thinkers interested in exploring two personalist hypotheses: that it is the personal dimension of our being and living that is definitive of our humanity, and that the personal dimension of being-human offers a clue to the ordering of reality.
The Pluralist is the official journal of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy. In addition to research articles, The Pluralist also includes highlights from the SAAP annual meeting, Presidential addresses, Founders’ addresses, and other Society-related information.
The Public Philosophy Journal (PPJ) is an open forum for the curation and creation of accessible scholarship that deepens our understanding of, deliberation about, and action concerning issues of public relevance. In contrast to other scholarly journals, the PPJ has adopted an innovative Formative Peer Review process designed to enable colleagues engaged with questions of public concern to create scholarship that is accessible to, relevant for, and shaped by the public.
The online peer-reviewed journal of the Central-European Pragmatist Forum (CEPF). It is accessible online via its own website or via the link through the CEPF website
Since its founding in 1965, the premier peer-reviewed journal specializing in the history of American philosophy. Named after the founder of American Pragmatism but all types of American thought are covered from the Colonial period to the recent past. All books published in the field are discussed in essay reviews.
William James Studies is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high quality, scholarly articles related to the life, work and influence of William James. William James Studies is an open-access journal so as to ensure that all who have an interest in William James have access to its contents. The journal is published online by the William James Society.
Societies and other Associations
The Central European Pragmatist Forum is based on academic scholarship, but does not serve exclusively academic purposes. It also serves to encourage studies in cultural identity of this part of the world and its cultural transformation based on the ideas of philosophical pragmatism.
A loosely affiliated group of scholars interested in advancing feminist pragmatism in the spirit of the social philosophy of Jane Addams (1860-1935). Addams has been widely recognized as a social worker, pacifist, and co-founder of the social settlement, Hull House, but not until the late 1990’s did she receive serious consideration for her contribution to philosophy. The Jane Collective is particularly interested in facilitating reflection on Addams as a social philosopher and this group is dedicated to that purpose. The Jane Collective offers a prize for outstanding feminist paper presented at the Annual SAAP meeting.
The principal goal of the CPA is to support the free exchange of ideas and foster an intellectual community that is truly representative of the diversity of voices and perspectives that is paradigmatic of, but not limited to, the Caribbean.
The purpose of the John Dewey Society (JDS) is to foster intelligent inquiry into pressing social problems of our time, especially pertaining to the place and function of education in resolving such problems, as well as to share, discuss, and disseminate the results of such inquiries. The JDS is also a space for building and sustaining the networks of students and scholars of the philosophy of John Dewey and American Pragmatism.
The Ralph Waldo Emerson Society is dedicated to fostering scholarship on and appreciation of the life and writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. The Society, which has about 200 members in eleven countries, publishes the biannual Emerson Society Papers (ESP), featuring original scholarly articles, current book reviews, notes and queries, an annual Emerson bibliography, abstracts of conference papers, reflections on “My Emerson,” and announcements of interest to Emersonians.
The Margaret Fuller Society is a nonprofit, educational organization. Established in 1992, through the efforts of Bell Gale Chevigny and Larry J. Reynolds, the society sponsors cultural events and academic panels, and provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information among Margaret Fuller scholars around the world.
The William James Society (WJS) is a multidisciplinary professional society which supports the study of, and communication about, the life and work of William James (1842-1910) and his ongoing influence in the many fields to which he contributed.
This site hosts the forum for the Susanne K. Langer Circle, an international and multi-disciplinary group interested in the work of Susanne Langer (1895-1985), an American philosopher who contributed to the fields of logic, aesthetics, theory of mind and more.
The Alain Locke Society facilitates scholarly work on the life, work, and philosophy of Alain Leroy Locke.
Initiated in 2006, the Nordic Pragmatism Network has organized dozens of international events in nine countries, including the Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. It was also key contributor to the establishment of the European Pragmatism Association, which brings together the different groups working on pragmatism within Europe.
The Charles S. Peirce Society was founded in 1946 by Frederic H. Young. The first President of the Society, elected in 1946, was Paul Weiss. Other early presidents include Carolyn Eisele, Charles Hartshorne, James K. Feibleman, Max Fisch, Thomas Goudge, Isabel Stearns, and Philip Wiener.
Philosophy Born of Struggle is a community, a conference, and a textbook. The textbook edited by Leonard Harris is in its second edition. The conference was originally organized by Everet Green and Leonard Harris. Philosophy Born of Struggle will celebrate its 26th year in 2019. As for the community: welcome!
The Public Philosophy Network (PPN) supports philosophers by running skill-building workshops, organizing scholarly conferences, providing mentoring, facilitating network-building, and assisting with projects.
The Richard Rorty Society was founded in 2014 to promote study of the work and life of Richard Rorty (1931-2007), and to encourage and support scholarship and other writing inspired by and in the spirit of his work, across the disciplines.
The Josiah Royce Society was established in 2003 to encourage the study of the life and work of the American philosopher Josiah Royce (1855-1916).
The George Santayana Society promotes criticism, historical and biographical research, general scholarship, and imaginative works focused on Santayana, his influence, and ideas derived from his writings. The Society (GSS) is independent from, but co-operates closely with the Santayana Edition, which produces critical editions of Santayana’s works.
The Semiotic Society of America (SSA) is the leading semiotics organization in North America. We are a transdisciplinary professional organization serving a diverse community of scholars with common interests in the study of signs and sign systems.
This society is dedicated to the support and promotion of Mexican-American/ Chicanx philosophy in all of its diverse manifestations.
The Society of Philosophers in America (SOPHIA) is an educational nonprofit membership and chapter organization dedicated to building communities of philosophical conversation. We are made up of people from within and beyond the academy, people who are interested in deep, meaningful dialogue, and who aim to enrich public discourse, civility, and community.
The Society is a group of scholars in philosophy and related fields with a specialty or interest in process thought.
The Thoreau Society exists to stimulate interest in and foster education about Thoreau’s life, works, legacy and his place in his world and in ours, challenging all to live a deliberate, considered life.