Texas State University Philosophy Department Presents…
The Second Annual Lecture and Panel Discussion:
reflections inspired by The Philosophy of Larry Hickman
This virtual event will take place on Thursday, March 25, 2021 from 11:00 am – 12:15 pm CST.
The conversation will serve as prelude to a fuller program of appreciation on Larry’s life and work scheduled for March 24 – 26, 2022 at the hill country campus of Texas State University at San Marcos.
Featured Speakers:
Paul B. Thompson – W.K. Kellogg Chair in Agricultural, Food and Community Ethics at Michigan State University & author of Sustainability: What Everyone Needs to Know
Ken Stikkers – Interim Chair & Professor of Philosophy and Africana Studies at Southern Illinois University & author of Utopian Visions Past, Present and Future: Rethinking the Ethical Foundation of Economy
Larry Hickman – Authority on the Life and Thought of Philosopher John Dewey & Professor at Southern Illinois University & author of Philosophical Tools for Technological Culture: Putting Pragmatism to Work
Thompson’s keynote address will evaluate Hickman’s philosophy in relation to philosophies of technology proposed by figures such as Heidegger, Adorno, Horkheimer, Ihde, and Dewey. Stikkers and Hickman will reply to Thomspon’s remarks. Q & A will follow.
This virtual event is free and open to the public. To register and receive a link, please follow the next link, to the Philosophy Dialogue Schedule, and click on the title of the event:
For the 2022 campus event, please bookmark the link below and save the dates March 24-26, 2022. Calls and schedules forthcoming:
R G Moses (Dr. Mo)