The Committee on Inter-American Relations will present the Inter-American Philosophy Award to the best submitted paper concerning Latin American, Latino/a, or indigenous philosophies across the Americas that is presented at the Annual Meeting. The Award includes a cash prize, and the winning paper will be published in The Inter-American Journal of Philosophy.
Past Recipients
2024 Juan Carlos Gonzales “Inter-American Perspectives on the US Latinx: Marti, Locke, and Uranga”
2023 Juan Carlos Gonzalez “A Revised Existentialist Look at the Americans (or what Simone De Beauvoir should have learned from the Mexistentialists)”
2022 Scott Pratt “(Mis)Trust and Pragmatism as Grounded Normativity”
2021 Anna Cook, “Indigenizing Philosophy on Stolen Lands: A Worry about Settler Philosophical Guardianship”
2020 Alex Stehn and Mariana Alessandri “La Mexicana en la Chicana: The Mexican Sources of Anzaldúa’s Inter-American Philosophy”
2019 Terrence MacMullan, “John Dewey, Juan Bautista Alberdi and Inter-American Philosophical Responses to Caudillismo”
2018 Christopher Tirres, “Spiritual Activism and Praxis: Assessing Gloria Anzaldúa’s Light In The Dark/Luz en lo Oscuro”
2017 Lauren Eichler “Countering Dehumanization in Genocide: Paulo Freire and Thomas Norton-Smith on Humans and Animals.”
2016 Gregory Pappas, “Zapatismo, Luis Villoro, and American Pragmatism: On Democracy, Power, and Injustice”
2015 Not awarded
2014 Terrance MacMullan “Pragmatism as Gunship Philosophy: Jose Vasconcelos’ Critique of John Dewey”
2013 Terrence MacMullan, “Fact, Propaganda or Legitimate Aspiration? Frondizi on the Philosophic Unity of the Two Americas”