Richard Rorty, Cancel Culture, Political Fallibilism, and Achieving Our Country
By John Capps on the APA Blog
“So, while Rorty deserves some credit for predicting the 2016 election, I think the real value of Achieving Our Country is in how it sets a path forward. The project of achieving our country is as essential now as it was in 1998, or in 1963 when Baldwin coined the phrase. As Rorty observes, it requires that we address both the economic inequality and the non-economic sources of humiliation and sadism that separate Americans. In addition, it requires that we embrace fallibilism so that we can continue to act despite our flaws, act in concert, and work toward compromise with others. That is how we achieve a country that is, broadly and inclusively, ours.”
Richard Rorty, Cancel Culture, Political Fallibilism, and Achieving Our Country